Monday 6 January 2014


“BOOM! BOOM!” said Thunder.

 It wasn’t all right.

The thunderstorm had struck with all its might.

All the little children were crying out of fright.

Gobsmacked adults were saying, “What a sight!”

Some people wonder about the thundercloud’s height.

Lightning looked ever so bright and some infants were ever so scared,

That some toys were held never so tight !!!


The above poem written by Rupashri Chatterjee, Age 9

Stop Racism

We don’t mind what country you are from

America, India, Australia

What colour is your skin

What religion you are

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism

We don’t mind what language you speak

What place you were born

England, Romania, Nigeria

What accent you have

But one thing we’ll not tolerate

Whether in or outside school

Whether verbal or physical

And that is



The above poem written by Rajarshi Chatterjee, Age 13

Achievement has no colour. ― Abraham Lincoln

Thunderstorm image sourced from Ann's wordplay

Stop Racism image sourced from Religion News Service