Friday 18 May 2018

Wishing you all....

a lovely weekend with this lovely song coming your way :-)

Hope you like it as much as I do or perhaps more than I do.

Beautiful lyrics by Gulzar, wonderful music by R.D. Burman and superb rendition by Kishore and Asha

It's from the movie Ratnadeep (1979)

It's one of my all-time favourite songs and it's so soothing that it comes naturally to me and I keep humming, feeling at peace with myself.

Music knows no barriers and sometimes I don't even remember the lyrics but the music is so sweet and lilting that it has a healing effect on me.

All the stresses of life wash away....being washed by a musical waterfall :-)

Sometimes I think my mind is like the Vividh Bharati Sewa of All India Radio because I wake up with some music in my mind; while I'm working, music comes to me, and while I'm dozing off at night, music lullabies me. So many songs keep flooding my mind, one after the other, it's like a non-stop jukebox, but some songs like this one....Kabhi Kabhi Sapna Lagta Hai....keeps repeating itself like a harmonious tune that is so very calming, pleasing....and relaxing.

So here's the song

Hope you enjoy :-)

Happy Listening :)
